Saturday, August 16th 2003
Sailing from the bay of Pomer to the Isle Unije ....

Arrived in the dark yesterday evening, SO NOW WE HAD Pomer  Marina at day light.... Wonderful wake up, no wind and very relaxed.... Glad we did the trip yesterday evening.....

Started the day with a small breakfast (still full from the enormous meal we had yesterday evening:-). The kids took the rubber boat for swimming and diving..... What a great way to start the day.....

Round 11:00 the wind was coming up slowly. This is characteristic for these regions, in the morning and evening g quiet and after the sun is getting high, wind starts to come from the land parties as they heat up...... After some practicing for everyone, maneuvering on the motor, we pulled the sails out and the sailing started !!!

No "extreme" sailing today, the wind was too easy, but good enough to have a smooth trip and start enjoying the day !!!!

During the trip Paul prepared to do some fishing..... Tried a lot, but no catch :-)

During the middle of the afternoon we had a few hours of little wind, so we continued on the motor for an hour and we enjoyed some swimming games behind the boat. Being pulled wit 2 knots, by the way, is quit a ride according to Paul and Robert Jan !!

After almost loosing Willemien and actually lost Robert-Jan (nice to practice Man over Board under easy conditions) we arrived at the very small town Unije. Same name as the island.... We anchored at a nice place close to the pier, but very soon we were asked by a Croatian guy (at least he jelled something) in a fast speedboat to move the boat directly, as a large ferry boat was coming and we were definitively in its way !!! Seeing the huge boat already at the horizon we needed no more motivation and moved quickly to the next spot.....

Actually many ferries were arriving, so we had to move any way. This was one of the smaller ones....

With the small rubber boat we went ashore to a local restaurant, where we had a choice from 3 dishes or so.... We contemplated that this may be was even better, as they probably only used fresh ingredients !! 

These three dishes were, so to speak, the specialties of the day. The raw dry ham is a local Croatian specialty and is tasting great !!!


The predator fish was chosen  by Paul only..... Personally this is not really my thing, haha !! Pauls opinion was that the fish was delicious !!! So no discussion on taste, eh?

Any way, as you can see we hag great fun and ended a great first sailing day !!!!!

Tomorrow we will have a 20 miles sailing trip to the marina (a real one...) of the isle Losinj...........

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